
NRS To Re-Issue Data For Period To September ’04

NRS To Re-Issue Data For Period To September ’04

The National Readership Survey is to re-issue the data for quarter three 2004 following a processing error by Ipsos-RSL.

The corrected data will be released to NRS subscribers via the computer bureaux on 3 February, with the data on the NRS website for periods ending September 2004 also be corrected from this date.

The corrections made include the average issue readership estimate for Bike Trader for the 12 month period October 2003-September 2004 being altered to 520,000, some way below the previously released estimate of 549,000.

In addition, corrections have been made to the magazine’s frequency of reading figures, source of copy data and ‘how disappointed…?’ results.

NRS states that minor corrections have also been made to the ‘how disappointed..?’ data for Now! magazine, while a number of summary codes relating to employment and household composition (including the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes) of a small proportion of respondents have also been corrected, after their omission from NRS’ original data release.

Both NRS and Ipsos-RSL have apologised for the error, and any inconvenience it may have caused.

NRS: 020 7242 8111 www.nrs.co.uk

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