
Speech Radio Listeners More Receptive To Advertising

Speech Radio Listeners More Receptive To Advertising

Billboard Speech radio listeners recall more advertising, according to new research published by Chrysalis Radio and NOP, with the medium more involving and attention grabbing than music radio.

The study found speech stations to be more attention grabbing than their musical counterparts, with listeners 19% more likely to pay attention to advertising placed within speech output.

The research also showed that, outside of the controlled study environment, speech radio listeners are more likely to listen to the radio as a primary medium and that on average, speech fans recalled a greater number of brands than music listeners.

Speech radio makes up 5.6% of UK commercial radio listening and, according to Chrysalis, suffers from a lack of understanding compared to the larger music radio sector. In their study, Chrysalis and NOP set out to increase understanding of this medium, focussing on the listeners.

Commenting on the study’s findings, Matt Littlestone, research manager at Chrysalis Radio, said: “This study proves that not only are speech radio fans better at retaining advertising information, but that speech radio as a format is more attention grabbing and involving.”

He added: “For brand owners, the message is loud and clear, speech radio listeners are 19% more likely to listen to your advertising messages.”

Last month, Chrysalis revealed a dramatic drop in its profits for the first half of the financial year, attributing the decline to falling audiences and a difficult period of trading in its books division (see Chrysalis Reveals Drop In First Half Profits).

The results showed group turnover to have dropped to £78.4 million for the six months ended 28 February 2005, compared to the same period in 2004 which enjoyed turnover of £82.4 million.

Despite a challenging first half of the year, the recent quarter one RAJAR results showed Heart as the leader of London’s commercial market. The Galaxy network of stations continued to perform well, reaching 2.2 million analogue listeners, making it the leading commercial radio youth brand across the UK, with 50% more listening hours than its nearest competitor (see RAJAR Results Q1 2005: Capital Ahead On Reach But Heart Moves Infront With Hours).

Chrysalis: 020 7221 2213 www.chrysalis.com

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