
Thinkbox Lines Up Top Names For Ad Experience

Thinkbox Lines Up Top Names For Ad Experience

Thinkbox Logo TV marketing body, Thinkbox, has revealed details of its “Creativity Within the Spot” showcase due to be demonstrated at The Thinkbox Experience, an exhibition-style event illustrating how new technologies, imaginative planning and creative excellence can forge new types of advertising formats and ideas.

The show will feature personal contributions from key industry figures, attempting to address the notion that “the spot is dead,” providing examples of creative executions which delivered strong performances in the past.

The showcase will be presented in a multi-media gallery space, with wireless headsets provided to enable attendees to control and tailor their audio guide.

Highlights of the Creativity Within the Spot show include WCRS founding partner, Steven Woodford presenting a selection of the most innovative ad formats being used on TV today; Mediacom director of strategic solutions, Sue Unerman casting the spotlight on unusual and effective planning and chairman of McCann Erickson, Rupert Howell, presenting a personal selection of his favourite ads of all time.

In addition, Leon Jaume, creative director of WCRS will choose his top five creative ads of the moment and discuss how each achieves its communications challenge to deliver for its brand.

Big Picture founding partner, Simon Andrews, and Mediaedge:cia head of MediaLab, David Fletcher will unveil tomorrow’s creative challenges, exploring how new technologies and new viewing behaviours will drive change, and what is needed from advertising to continue to engage with consumers in the age of personal video recorders.

Commenting on the show’s line-up, Andy Barnes, Thinkbox board member, said: “The Thinkbox Experience’s Creativity Within the Spot showcase aims to address issues and concerns around the impact of new technologies on traditional advertising. The showcase will illustrate the potential of spot ads to powerfully communicate a message and how they will evolve in the future. Contributions from industry leaders will highlight engaging, powerful and entertaining ads to convey the power of great creative work and the ability it has to cut through and engage consumers.”

The Thinkbox Experience: www.thinkboxexp.tv

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