
AOP Sees Ranks Swell As CNET Comes Aboard

AOP Sees Ranks Swell As CNET Comes Aboard

Cinema The UK branch of global interactive media company, CNET Networks, has become the latest online publisher to join the Association of Online Publishers’ board, with Tom Bureau, UK managing director, representing the company.

The AOP was formed in 2002 to present a unified voice to industry and Government. CNET’s decision to join the trade body follows that of several rival publishers, including Future Publishing, the BBC, BSkyB, Channel 4 and News International.

Commenting on the decision to join AOP, Tom Bureau said: “CNET Networks UK is excited to be joining AOP. We can share our experiences of being part of a global online publisher, and work with the membership to grow the market for those that invest online content.”

He continued: “These are exciting times for CNET Networks in the UK, we are investing heavily in 2005 to extend our portfolio and launch new products into new areas.”

Alex White, director of AOP welcomed the new addition, stating: “AOP is delighted to welcome CNET Networks UK to the association. As one of the largest publishers of original content on the web, their established expertise in the online space will add value to AOP.”

The AOP enables publishers to compare notes on hot topics, sharing research into online media as well as representing its members’ interests on a larger scale.

White explained: “Strong content brands from across the publishing spectrum have much to gain from working together to further the online media industry and differentiate themselves in an ever-diversifying landscape.”

Earlier in the year, specialist magazine publisher Future Publishing announced the appointment of publishing director David Maher-Roberts to the board of AOP, bringing the company into line with its competitors in addressing the issues and concerns relating to all sectors of online publishing (see Future Signs Up To Association of Online Publishers).

Association Of Online Publishers: 020 7400 7562 www.ukaop.org.uk

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