
Sunday Times Considers Tabloid Overhaul For Supplements

Sunday Times Considers Tabloid Overhaul For Supplements

The Sunday Times may soon undergo a partial conversion to tabloid format, if reports this morning are to be believed, with the paper understood to have produced dummy versions of tabloid travel, business, money and news review sections.

The paper’s senior management team is believed to have considered overhauling all of the title’s supplements, proposing a switch to tabloid format to match that of the title’s weekday edition, but have since selected the travel section as favourite for a trial run following focus group studies.

Consumer reaction to a tabloid sized news review section is understood to have been so unfavourable that the idea has since been shelved, while fears of a dip in ad revenues as a result of tabloid business and money sections has also led to a delay for the plan.

According to The Guardian, the Sunday Times is examining its options following the success of the Times as a tabloid-only publication. The weekday newspaper dropped its broadsheet edition completely in November 2004 and, despite a sharp drop in circulation in December, has enjoyed a return to health, with the title’s latest total hitting a 12 month high in January.

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