
Electronic Arts Signs In-Game Advertising Deals

Electronic Arts Signs In-Game Advertising Deals

Video Games Video game publisher Electronic Arts (EA) has signed deals with two in-game advertising companies to stream live ads into its games.

The deals have been signed with Massive, owned by Microsoft, which EA said will cover up to four video games, and IGA Worldwide, which should see the company deliver advertising in up to three games.

The first video game to be covered by the Massive deal will be Need For Speed: Carbon, due to be released in late October, whilst the first in-game advertising to be delivered by IGA Worldwide will be in Battlefield 2142, due for release in the middle of October.

The advertisements will be updateable and trackable, which means that advertisements can be arranged according to a player’s physical location, as well as audience demographics or time of playing.

Electronic Arts: www.electronicarts.co.uk

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