
Clear Channel Preps Britain’s First Digital Billboards

Clear Channel Preps Britain’s First Digital Billboards

Billboard Outdoor media giant Clear Channel is to launch the UK’s first digital billboard network in London, with the 48-sheet sized offerings controled by a central hub and updated remotely.

The venture is already taking sales, with a marketing programme also underway, as Clear Channel seeks advertisers for the 5.3 metre by 2.5 metre sites.

Built using new energy-efficient technology, the digital billboards can carry multiple ads and maintained from a remote location.

London’s Vauxhall Cross and Cromwell Road will be amongst the sites for the new posters, with eight further locations expected to have the technology by the third quarter of this year.

The new billboards use reflected sunlight in daytime, and spotlights at night, to display the image, rather than the LED technology used in the company’s existing digital networks in the US.

Paul Meyer, global president of Clear Channel Outdoor welcomed the development, stating: “We are very excited about this pilot, which employs a new generation of digital technology that furthers our commitment to make all of our outdoor displays as energy-efficient as possible.

“The knowledge we gain from this project and our existing digital networks in Cleveland and Las Vegas, combined with the additional digital networks that will be deployed during the second half of the year, will be invaluable in developing our long-term strategy for rolling out digital displays across our many markets.”

Five advertisers and one news/traffic content-provider will now be given the opportunity to book the network under a 1-year contract, each with exclusive rights to their category.

Adverts screened through the network will last for five seconds each, and will be shown simultaneously across all ten screens. This method is expected to deliver 19,000 ad displays per advertiser each week. In addition, creative executions can be changed as often as needed.

Barry Sayer, UK chief executive of Clear Channel Outdoor added: “The screens will not only provide unparalleled flexibility, enabling advertisers to target audiences at different times of the day, in different mindsets with different messages, but they are also more energy-efficient than traditional LED screens.”

Clear Channel: 0207 478 2928 www.clearchannel.co.uk

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