
Yahoo! Seeks Search Dominance With Revamped Site

Yahoo! Seeks Search Dominance With Revamped Site

All New Yahoo! Website Following on from its main competitors changing their homepages to improve their advertising reach, Yahoo! has followed suit with a customisable interface that aims to put it ahead of Google and MSN.

MSN’s recent rolling out of Hotmail Live and the ever innovative Google’s recent changes, mean that Yahoo! is the last of the major search firms to undergo a radical revamp.

Yahoo!, the second largest search engine in terms of click-throughs, is running the new homepage as a beta test for the next month so that users can comment on the new tweakable interface.

The changes will allow the page to be customised to suit the user, which includes the opportunity to change the page layout and colour scheme.

It is hoped that the changes will secure Yahoo! a place as the leading service provider of its type, and so lead to higher advertising income.

The company recently revamped its search marketing software, offering marketers new forecasting features, enhanced testing and targeting capabilities, and a quality-based ranking model.

The new style will be seen first in the US, Spain, Italy, France, UK, and Germany.

Competition amongst internet search engines for marketers’ attention intensified last year, as MSN rolled out its new adCenter product, seeking to steal the limelight from Google’s hugely successful Adwords (see MSN To Compete With Google In Search Marketing).

Yahoo!: 020 7808 4200 www.yahoo.co.uk

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