
Psychic Magazine Moves To Monthly Publication

Psychic Magazine Moves To Monthly Publication

Chat It's Fate Cover IPC’s psychic spin-off title, Chat – It’s Fate, has switched to monthly publication, doubling the number of issues each year to capitalise on sales growth.

The magazine, which ocupies a unique position in the womens magazine market, offers “personal psychic advice” and most “paranormal real life stories,” claiming to be “accessible, practical and life enhancing.”

Commenting on the increased frequency, editor Mary Bryce said: “The new Chat – It’s Fate gives our readers everything they already love, but on a more regular basis. I am overjoyed at the move; it is such an exciting development for the magazine.”

Sandy Gale, IPC Connect’s publishing director, added: “Chat – It’s Fate has become such a regular fixture in the lives of those who cherish its trusted psychic advice and real life that it made eminent sense to take it monthly.”

The first monthly issue of the magazine goes on sale this week, with a cover price of 1.70.

IPC Media: 0870 4445000 www.ipcmedia.com

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