
FHM Collections Hangs Up Its Hat

FHM Collections Hangs Up Its Hat

FHM Collections Cover FHM has pulled the plug on its bi-annual fashion title, FHM Collections, ending the title’s ten year tenure on the newsstand just over six months after an editorial revamp.

Announcing the decision, Rimi Atwal, business director for FHM UK, said: “The last issue will be the current issue on sale, Spring/Summer 2006.

“Despite the superb leadership of Nick DeCosemo and Gary Kingsnorth, who have worked with great vigour to create a truly different magazine in a crowded fashion sector, we have come to the conclusion that the closure of FHM Collections will best enable the fashion team, lead by Gary, to focus our energies, creativity and resource on evolving the core fashion editorial within the next phase of FHM magazine’s development.”

The decision to close the title sees DeCosemo part ways with Emap, ending his two years as editor of the Collections magazine.

“It’s always tough to close a title,” explained Atwal, “but this decision should be seen in the wider context of the FHM universe continuing to expand and evolve into a true superbrand ahead of its rivals, not just on magazine newsstands in the UK and around the world, but across a number of different platforms including digital, TV and mobile.”

September 2005 saw Emap restyle the magazine as a more “portable and practical guide” to the latest trends and fashions, encouraging readers to “seek out more aspirational, couture garments across the UK” (see FHM Restyles Collections As High Street Guide).

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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