
BBC Offloads Origin In Management Buyout

BBC Offloads Origin In Management Buyout

BBC Magazines Logo BBC Magazines has announced the sale of Origin Publishing to a management buy-out team led by current managing director, Andy Marshall.

The move marks the completion of a streamlining programme undertaken following a commercial review in 2004, which saw all non-BBC related titles marked for disposal by the publisher (see Origin Titles Next On List For BBC Magazine Sale).

BBC Magazines will retain control of all BBC-branded titles previously produced by Origin, segregating the titles off into their own Bristol-based subsidiary, Bristol Magazines Ltd, which will be chaired by Peter Phippen.

The publisher will retain a minority stake in Origin as part of a staged exit plan, with Origin continuing to operate management services to several BBC titles for the duration of the two firm’s separation. Andy Marshall will also act as Managing Director of Bristol Magazines.

Explaining the move, Peter Phippen, BBC Magazines’ managing director, said: “It’s sad to have to sell Origin, and to be saying farewell to some very talented people but this is in line with the new remit for BBC Magazines.

“Origin is an excellent company and I’m sure the MBO team will ensure the business continues to prosper. For our part, we remain committed to Bristol as a publishing centre. Indeed, we are moving Homes & Antiques there and have recently announced our next launch, BBC Mind Games (see BBC Origin Launches New Puzzle Magazine). I’m very excited about our new venture.”

Andy Marshall, added: “We have a fantastic team here with great vision and passion and I know that the business will continue to grow and develop under their leadership. There are certainly many exciting opportunities ahead of us. I am also delighted to have been asked to manage the development of the BBC’s new venture here in Bristol.”

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