
Newspaper Ad Study Shows Strong Brand Awareness

Newspaper Ad Study Shows Strong Brand Awareness

Newspapers New research from the Newspaper Marketing Agency (NMA) claims the medium is an effective one for building brands, with the findings culled from an exhaustive two year study.

Conducted in partnership with brand and communications research agency Hall and Partners, the NMA’s research shows that, with an investment of over £14 million, newspapers can provide a strong platform for brand marketing.

The study comprised 13 extensive multi-media in-market case studies, spread across seven different categories, with 10 out of the 13 tests showing a positive effect on brand commitment following newspaper marketing.

The research also showed a positive response to emotionally based advertising, with all 13 campaigns tested increasing the emotional involvement of consumers with brands, and boosting their brand identification.

A wide range of sectors were investigated by the study, with brands taking part including Muller, Golden Wonder, Toyota Avensis, Vauxhall Tigra, Listerine, Bakers Complete, Andrex Moistened, Roc and Domestos.

The results of the real-life case studies show newspaper marketing provoking strong emotions, driving sales and delivering effective communication, the NMA said.

Maureen Duffy, NMA chief executive, explained the importance of the study, stating: “As the media environment changes and becomes more competitive advertisers are increasingly looking for hard evidence on the effects of different advertising mediums.

“This study provides a tool-kit for the industry to re-evaluate their assumptions about the role of newspapers in brand advertising campaigns. It clearly proves that newspapers are an effective yet underused medium for brand campaigns.”

Full copies of the research findings are available at www.nmauk.co.uk.

Newspaper Marketing Agency: 020 7182 1700 www.nmauk.co.uk

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