
Research Shows Power Of Multi-Platform Brands

Research Shows Power Of Multi-Platform Brands

Emap Advertising Multi-platform brands are powerful vehicles for integrated communication, with the different platforms reinforcing each other’s message.

According to new research from Emap, multi-platform brand users spend more time with a particular brand, giving advertisers an opportunity to build a deeper connection with a more receptive and engaged consumer.

Commenting on the study, Marcus Rich, managing director of Emap Advertising, said: “This research provides the first empirical evidence of the unrivalled power of multi-platform media brands for targeting consumers and creating the most relevant and effective mechanic for promoting a client product or service.”

Looking specifically at the results, Emap found that multi-platform Kerrang! consumers were closer to the Kerrang! brand and identity, with 72% of those who interact with three or more platforms agreeing Kerrang! is a “cool” brand, compared to 52% who consume it on just one platform.

Advertising across platforms is also more valuable, with the different elements in a multi-platform brand working together to produce a greater cut-through.

Ad messages sent across two platforms of a single media brand were found to be more effective in influencing consumers’ purchasing intentions than those across two platforms of different brands.

Ross Faulkner, strategist at Naked, explained the significance of the research, saying: “As multi-platform solutions become ever more compelling and more broadly available, the greater understanding we have of how consumers interact with a brand across different platforms the better.”

The research also found that different media platforms work together, playing different roles for consumers.

According to Emap, radio often introduces consumers to the brand, acting as a shared reference point for all passionate brand consumers. Magazines act as a gateway for consumers, while TV is consumed by a far wider audience who may experience the brand on fewer platforms.

Online was used by the most ardent follows, with the medium deepening the brand relationship.

Rich added: “At Emap Advertising, we firmly believe that integrated marketing campaigns using relevant creative content across different media platforms will continue to be marketers’ most powerful tool to engage their target audience.”

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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