
Web Proved As Important Search Tool For Travel Purchases

Web Proved As Important Search Tool For Travel Purchases

Web Search The internet has been proven as an important and relevant travel search tool in comparison to other sources, according to new research released by Yahoo! Search Marketing, Media Contacts and comScore Media Metrix.

The findings showed that web searches generated 9.8 million travel purchases from 7.5 million UK consumers between December 2005 and February 2006.

In a sample group of almost 8,000 people, 85% said that they completed a travel purchase within 90 days of initially researching online.

“Based on comparisons to research comScore has previously conducted in the US, this study demonstrates that search is even more important to UK travel planners than to their counterparts in the US,” said Bob Ivins, managing director of comScore Europe, who was quoted in the trade press.

“40% of all searchers in the UK conducted a travel search during the analysis period compared to a lower 27% in a comparable study conducted among US consumers.”

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