
Daily Record Could Launch Evening Freesheet

Daily Record Could Launch Evening Freesheet

Daily Record Scotland’s Daily Record could be set to launch an evening edition aimed at commuters, according to reports in the trade press.

It has been reported that the new 5pm evening edition will focus on sport stories, tasters of the major news stories to come the next day and extra information on stories covered in the morning edition.

Mark Hollinshead, managing director of Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, would not confirm the reports, saying to the Sunday Herald that: “We are constantly evaluating new publishing opportunities, but we never comment on market rumour and speculation.”

Murray Foote, deputy editor of the Daily Record is believed to be lined up for the editors position at the paper, which the reports claim could be a freesheet.

If the evening paper goes ahead then it will be competing with the Glasgow Evening Times (owned by Newsquest) and the Edinburgh Evening News (owned by Johnston Press).

The Daily Record: www.dailyrecord.co.uk

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