
Daily Mail Jumps On Web TV Bandwagon

Daily Mail Jumps On Web TV Bandwagon

Daily Mail Video News The Daily Mail has entered the world of online video, with a web-based TV news service launched on its website offering celebrity, film and music news.

The content, updated every lunchtime during the week, is produced by the Press Association and will carry advertising alongside its entertainment focused stories.

Video adverts within the bulletins, as well as more traditional banner and skyscraper ads feature on the site, which is promoting Universal Pictures’ Pride and Prejudice DVD as its first campaign.

In the future, the Daily Mail will offer advertisers the ability to sponsor its video content, with “skins” framing the bulletin with branding.

Mark Milner, COO at Associated New Media (ANM), explained the move, stating: “Integrating advertising with our video broadcast provides an excellent opportunity to reach and communicate with the Mail’s unique audience in a content rich environment whilst ensuring stand-out.”

The video system was designed by technology firm Tangozebra, which provides the platform and enables specific ads to be inserted for the content when viewed from a different site in ANM’s portfolio.

James Booth, managing director of Tangozebra explained: “2006 will be the year that online publishers start to make sense of IPTV and similar video content activity. Tangozebra has spent a huge amount of time investing in developing technology to allow advertising within such content to become a reality for publishers.”

The move echoes a similar launch by the Sun last year, which saw the newspaper spin off online video reports to accompany its web-based news coverage (see Sun Spins Off Video Reports To Boost Site Visits).

Daily Mail: www.dailymail.co.uk

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