
Who Do You Think You Are? Gets 6.6m Adult Viewers

Who Do You Think You Are? Gets 6.6m Adult Viewers

Graham Norton BBC One won the all-important 9pm ratings battle last night, as Who Do You Think You Are? picked up a peak of 6.6 million adults (a 33.9% share of the audience).

The show, which revealed some hitherto unknown parts of Graham Norton, had an average audience of 6.3 million adults for its hour long running time.

Over on ITV1 at the same time was The Whistleblowers, the drama series about people putting the truth above themselves.

The show had a peak audience of 2.9 million adults (a 15.1% share) and an average of 2.6 million adults stuck with it for its duration.

Over on BBC Two at 9pm we had the double-bill of The Life And Times Of Viviennne Vyle and The Peter Serafinowicz Show.

The Life And Times Of Viviennne Vyle at 9pm had a peak audience of 1.2 million adults (a 6.4% share) tuning in to its not particularly amusing satire of daytime TV, whilst The Peter Serafinowicz Show had a peak of 983,000 adults (a 5% share).

Overnight data is available each morning in mediatel.co.uk’s TV Database, with all BARB registered subscribers able to view reports for terrestrial networks, ITV2 and Sky One.

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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