
BBC Trust Provisionally Approves Plans For HD Channel

BBC Trust Provisionally Approves Plans For HD Channel

TV The BBC Trust has provisionally approved proposals for a BBC HD channel but has delayed making a decision on launching the service on the Freeview platform.

The proposed BBC HD channel, which would cost £21.5 million a year, would broadcast for a nine-hour period from 3pm to midnight.

The Trust said that it would delay the launch of a four-hour HD service on Freeview – which could then be increased to nine hours – until after Ofcom’s proposals for digital spectrum are clear early next year.

The HD channel will launch straight away on satellite and cable if the Trust gives its final approval after a 28-day consultation.

Diane Coyle, BBC trustee and chair of the public value test steering group, said: “The BBC Trust has a duty to ensure the public receives value in return for paying the licence fee. Our view is that these proposals would deliver significant public value and create very little adverse market impact. As a result, we have provisionally approved them, subject to conditions to safeguard or enhance the public value and minimise any adverse market impact.

“Our provisional conclusions are now open to public consultation and we would like to hear from as many members of the public and stakeholders as possible before reaching our final decision. We are particularly interested in the public’s view about the options for an HD channel on Freeview. Would licence fee payers prefer the BBC to launch a four-hour service immediately, before a nine-hour service is possible because of spectrum capacity, even if that means having to buy two set-top boxes within a very short period of time?”

Last week, Ofcom approved the BCC plans for an HD channel, saying that it would be likely to deliver consumer benefit through increased take-up of HD (see Ofcom Approves BBC HD Plans).

However, Ofcom added that there may be a negative impact on internet protocol TV (IPTV) platform operators if there is significant consumer demand for HD services.

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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