
thelondonpaper Still On Top In The Capital

thelondonpaper Still On Top In The Capital

Man Reading A Paper In April, thelondonpaper was again ahead of the London Lite, although it recorded a period on period decline of more than 10,700.

The London Lite saw a small increase in circulation, of around 400 copies period on period, although its total circulation figure of just over 400,600 was around 90,000 copies less than thelondonpaper‘s circulation.

Paid for evening paper the Evening Standard was relatively static month on month, with its circulation now resting at around 266,000.

Of the free morning papers, the Metro remained static on around 547,000 copies and City AM was up by just over 3.5%, to more than 100,600.

Following reports of alleged dumping of London freesheets, ABC today announced that it has carried out an urgent review of the formats, and confirmed that dumping has been occurring. However the measurement body is satisfied that the reported figures for April are materially compliant (see ABC Confirms London Freesheet Dumping).

Title Audit Mar-07 Apr-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 97,032 100,640 3,608 3.7
Metro (London) BDP 547,180 547,145 -35 -0.0
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 266,575 266,214 -361 -0.1
London Lite BDP 400,212 400,614 402 0.1
thelondonpaper BDP 502,158 491,387 -10,771 -2.1
Total London Papers   1,168,945 1,158,215 -10,730 -0.9

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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