
UK Media Brands Popular With Online Visitors from Around the World

UK Media Brands Popular With Online Visitors from Around the World

A Man On The Internet A new report from comScore reveals that many of the UK’s largest traditional media sites attracted more visitors from overseas than from within the UK.

The Financial Times had the highest percentage of international visitors, with 85% of its audience originating from outside the UK.

Five.TV, ITV, BSkyB, and Channel 4 were the only four top properties whose UK audience was larger than their international audience.

Bob Ivins, managing director of comScore Europe, said: “The internet allows consumers to view relevant content at any site from anywhere in the world. It is therefore critical for publishers and advertisers to understand their global franchise.”

“The Internet will always be a global medium, and audiences often follow interests more than national boundaries. Agencies need to be aware of this and realize that when they buy on UK sites they may also get an international audience.

“Research like this is enlightening because it makes people think about established media channels differently,” said Dan Calladine, research director of Isobar.

ComScore: www.comscore.com

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