
Commercial Radio To Build “Friendship” With BBC

Commercial Radio To Build “Friendship” With BBC

Digital Radio In the run up to the analogue switch off, commercial radio bosses are keen to build a “frosty friendship” with the BBC, according to a report in the Guardian.

At a meeting between representatives from commercial radio and the BBC it was agreed that an analogue switch off between 2010 and 2015 was feasible, despite some previous estimates putting the switch-off date nearer to 2030.

Minutes of a board meeting of the commercial radio stations’ representative, the Radio Centre, leaked to the Guardian state: “Discussions with the BBC on October 4 suggested that an analogue switch-off in 2010-2015 was feasible.

“Creating the right environment for radio to grow involved influencing audience measurement, legislation, regulation and copyright agreements. The relationship with the BBC was a central part of that strategy.

“The BBC dinner on October 4 has already helped build the ‘frosty friendship’ that was appropriate.”

The Guardian report says that according to a Radio Centre three-year plan, commercial radio wants to up its share of the market, currently 43.6%, to 46% by 2009. Its long-term target is a share of 50% or more.

However, the report made clear that the Radio Centre said the leaked documents may be drafts and were not necessarily the final document.

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk Radio Centre: www.radiocentre.org

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