
Harrison Outlines Vision For Commercial Radio

Harrison Outlines Vision For Commercial Radio

Digital Radio Speaking today at RadioActive, the inaugural RadioCentre members conference, chief executive Andrew Harrison set out his vision for the future of the commercial radio industry, describing radio as “at the heart of convergence”.

In his keynote speech, Harrison described 2007 as “the year we start to change, and start to fight back as we return to growth”.

Citing commercial radio’s relevance and interest to young listeners despite competition from new platforms and its dominance of the 15-54 demographic, Harrison told the assembled delegates that, in reach terms alone, radio significantly beats the internet.

According to Harrison, radio’s future at the heart of convergence is attributable to its ability to perform as the perfect complementary medium, making it ideal for integrating into the multitude of new devices consumers are enjoying.

Harrison also outlined a five-pronged strategy for RadioCentre, built around the acronym RADIO, which spells Revenue, Audience, Digital, Influence and Organisation.

The five-pronged strategy will see the RadioCentre launch a new industry-wide audience research project and take a leading role in developing a digital migration strategy for the whole commercial radio industry.

It also encompasses the RadioCentre’s plan to lead a visionary response to Ofcom’s forthcoming ‘Future of Radio’ project and Harrison’s ambition for RadioCentre to become the leading media industry body within three years.

RAJAR Q3 2006 figures showed that commercial stations increased the average amount of hours that listeners tune in each week across all demographic groups (see Commercial Radio Boosts Hours Per Listener Across All Demographic Groups).

The last RAJARs also showed that digital only stations were continuing to perform strongly, with weekly reach increasing by 17% year on year, whilst total hours grew 15% year on year (see Digital-Only Stations Deliver Record Performances).

Quarter four RAJAR figures are released next Thursday, 1 February, with NewsLine providing comprehensive coverage of all areas of the results.

RadioCentre: www.radiocentre.org

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