
New Measurement Service For Digital Audio And Video Launched

New Measurement Service For Digital Audio And Video Launched

Nielsen Logo Nielsen//NetRatings has launched a new independent measurement service for digital audio and video content called SiteCensus Streaming, which will expand the company’s internet measurement capabilities.

The internet media and market research company now offers what it describes as comprehensive, independently audited measurement insights on individual streams and, upon collection of sufficient stream views, competitive streaming performance.

SiteCensus Streaming is part of NetRatings’ suite of tagging-based internet and mobile measurement services. It aims to give insight into unique users, stream views, average stream duration and completed streams, geographic location and pages from which stream views are initiated.

Following a set of consistent definitions and parameters, subscribers to the SiteCensus Streaming service tag their streams with a code. This code triggers a stream viewer’s browser to ping the NetRatings server with the relevant details of the stream and the site from which it is coming, enabling NetRatings to report actual counts for the client’s video streams with granularity.

“In developing measurement for online streaming, we faced various challenges, like the great variety of media formats and player technologies along with significant differences in stream content detail available for reporting,” said Megan Clarken, VP SiteCensus and project management Nielsen//NetRatings.

“We are proud to announce that, in close co-operation with publishers; we have overcome the challenges and are now setting the standards for measurement of digital audio and video for the online industry – globally.”

Nielsen//NetRatings’ managing director Europe Middle East and Africa, Louise Ainsworth, added: “This new service underlines the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and transparency in data collection and reporting. This becomes even more important as the growth in digital broadband in the EMEA region impacts on audience size.

“Forecasts for significant increases in online digital media advertising expenditure have shown there is the need for independent, accurate and comprehensive measurement of a site’s streaming traffic and an approach that enables benchmarking of streaming activity at market level.”

In an effort to enable further optimisation of streaming content and campaigns in the near future, NetRatings will continue to enhance the measurement of digital audio video by incorporating demographic data into SiteCensus Streaming, creating a comprehensive service called VideoCensus.

The VideoCensus product will be rolled out in the US later this year, while plans for its deployment in European and Asia Pacific markets are currently under development.

Nielsen//NetRatings: 01865 732 388 www.nielsennetratings.com

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