
City AM Sees Distribution Figure Rise

City AM Sees Distribution Figure Rise

Newspapers In the midst of the continuing financial crisis, morning business freesheet City AM saw its total distribution figure rise by 20.6% month on month in September, giving it a total figure of just under 101,000 copies.

The Evening Standard enjoyed a circulation increase last month as well, up almost 7% month on month, to almost 298,000.

Morning freesheets Metro was up 0.5% over the same period, taking its total to almost 746,604 copies.

Afternoon free papers the London Lite and thelondonpaper both remained relatively static month on month in September. They now have totals of around 401,000 and 501,000 copies respectively.

Title Audit Aug-08 Sep-08 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 83,459 100,673 17,214 20.6
Metro (London) BDP 742,649 746,604 3,955 0.5
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 278,889 297,750 18,861 6.8
London Lite BDP 400,513 401,035 522 0.1
thelondonpaper BDP 500,239 500,490 251 0.1
Total London Papers   2,005,749 2,046,552 40,803 2.0

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