
Clear Channel Offers Bespoke Ads For Halloween And Bonfire Night

Clear Channel Offers Bespoke Ads For Halloween And Bonfire Night

Roadside Ad Clear Channel Outdoor is offering bespoke advertising solutions around Halloween and Bonfire Night.

To target the Halloween merchandise audience of children and their parents, Clear Channel has identified three consumer journeys – home, school and shopping – allowing advertisers to select from roadside billboards, high street posters or six-sheet sites at Sainsbury’s stores.

Clear Channel added that as Halloween and Bonfire night mark the start of a key sales period for alcohol brands, it has also selected panels in proximity to bars and within drinking villages across the UK.

Sites close to London fireworks displays such as Alexandra Palace, Victoria Park and Roundwood Park in London have also been chosen for advertisers keen to attract consumers receptive to their seasonal messaging.

Clear Channel Outdoor’s digital roadside LED network can also be employed to convey time sensitive as well as seasonal messages.

Clear Channel: 0207 478 2928 www.clearchannel.co.uk

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