
Magazines Experiencing Global Growth

Magazines Experiencing Global Growth

Magazines Magazines are experiencing unprecedented global growth, with record levels of copy sales and advertising revenues in developing countries and a stable outlook in more established markets, according to the new International Federation of the Periodical Press (FIPP) World Magazine Trends 2007/2008 report.

The report examines the magazine and advertising markets from 54 countries, with detailed information provided by 47 national associations and advertising data provided by Zenith Optimedia.

FIPP said that many of the world’s fastest growing economies, including India, China and Brazil are experiencing double digit growth and a magazine market outperforming the advertising market as a whole, despite the rise of digital media.

It added that in Western Europe, the continued rise of internet advertising has contributed to a decline in ad share for the magazine sector, alongside other traditional media.

As a result many traditional magazine publishers are now moving into the online sphere, with b2b publishers in particular establishing profitable strategies. However despite the growth and huge hype surrounding digital, the report reveals that revenue from digital publishing products averages less than five per cent in most countries.

In 2008/2009 magazine ad spend in the US is expected to outperform the overall market, but at the same time the number of consumer magazine websites has increased by 67% in the past five years.

Rolf Rowher, FIPP marketing and research manager, said: “It is an exciting time in today’s increasingly globalised magazine industry, nowhere can this be seen more than in the emerging markets of Asia, where the West’s leading magazine publishers compete to be part of these new markets.

“FIPP alone reported on 29 licensed magazine titles within Asia in 2007, seeing similar growth in both Eastern Europe and Latin America. In these times FIPP’s World Magazine Trends has never been more important as the world only true resource on international magazine and advertising trends. Any individual needing to research any of these 54 industries growth will find this new edition an invaluable asset.”

International Federation of the Periodical Press: www.fipp.com

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