
Dennis launches new poker magazine

Dennis launches new poker magazine

Poker Dennis Publishing is launching the world’s first poker magazine to have an exclusively business-to-business focus.

Inside Poker Business will be distributed quarterly to a subscriber-base of industry decision makers and will deliver the latest business information to major players involved in the business.

Alun Bowden, former editor of InsidePoker , has been appointed editor-in-chief of the magazine.

Bowden said: “Poker is a multi-billion dollar global industry, and faces its own unique issues within the wider gambling business. As a game of skill, played and watched by millions, it is time it had its own voice and a place to discuss the issues it faces as the industry continues to expand worldwide.”

Russell Blackman, Publisher of Inside Poker Business, said: “We are very excited to be announcing this new venture. Inside Poker Business will perfectly compliment Dennis’s existing portfolio of poker magazines whilst providing the poker industry with the kind of dedicated and serious trade magazine that its importance and size entirely justifies.”

The first has attracted support from a number of gaming industry advertisers, including Cake Poker, Entraction, Connected Table and Click and Buy.

Dennis Publishing: 020 7907 6000 www.dennis.co.uk

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