
Ofcom Legislation Given Government Go-Ahead

Ofcom Legislation Given Government Go-Ahead

Legislation to set up the new ‘super regulator’ for the media and communications industries, Ofcom (see Industry Gives Cautious Welcome To White Paper), will be introduced during this parliamentary session, it was revealed today.

The Government has published the Office of Communications Bill, making it possible to set up the board for the new body and for Ofcom to begin the preparatory work necessary for it to begin regulating on schedule in 2003.

Culture secretary, Tessa Jowell, said: “Every week around 50 million people watch TV and listen to radio. Ofcom will champion their interests. Within the innovation and dynamism of the new media world, it can protect range and choice for the public without sacrificing quality.”

Trade and industry secretary, Patricia Hewitt, added: “The communications and media industries play a central role in both our economy and our everyday lives. It is vital that these industries are able to operate in a climate in which they are able to prosper and develop. Today’s Bill is the first step in a two-stage process that will transform the communications sector.”

Ofcom will take on the responsibilities of the five existing regulators in the sector: the Independent Television Commission, Broadcasting Standards Commission, Radio Authority, Oftel and Radio Communications Agency have already been working together to create the foundations upon which the new single regulator will be based.

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