
ITV Sport Closure Threatened By Cost Of Nationwide Contract, Says FT

ITV Sport Closure Threatened By Cost Of Nationwide Contract, Says FT

The future of ITV Sport could be endangered unless its £315 million contract with the Nationwide football clubs is renegotiated, according to a report in today’s Financial Times. The paper claims ITV has concluded that the business cannot afford the cost of the contract under the current terms.

Analysts at ABN Amro back this assessment, with forecasts suggesting that ITV Sport will make a loss of around £200 million over the next three years.

The broker says that whilst it would be in the interests of the Football League for ITV Sport to remain as a competitor to Sky Sport, it is not clear how likely it is that ITV could secure a reduction, given that it has paid £165 million upfront for the contract.

No comment was available today from ITV Digital.

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