
BT Broadband Prices Slashed

BT Broadband Prices Slashed

Telecoms giant, British Telecom (BT), is set to slash the rental cost of high-speed broadband for new and existing customers from 1st July 2004.

Almost all of BT broadband packages are set to be slashed. Customers can now expect to save a massive £13.00 when using the fastest connection package ‘BT Yahoo! Broadband 1Mb’, which is now offered for £29.99 per month.

The slowest connection package ‘BT Broadband (512k)’ will now be available for £24.99 per month, a £2.00 saving on current prices. The basic package will remain at £19.99 but will now include free modem and connection, as will all BT broadband products if purchased on-line.

Managing director of BTOpenworld, Duncan Ingram said: “Today’s announcement gives customers the best ever value broadband from a name you can trust.”

For the basic monthly rental fee, customers can expect to surf the internet for 15 hours per day, send/receive 250 JPEG pictures via email per week, download 250 music tracks and three hours of video clips per week, listen to online radio for 15 hours every day and send/receive 3000 emails per week.

Yesterday, BT confirmed that it will be rolling out broadband across the UK so that 99.6% of households are connected to exchanges by August 2005.

Ingram added: “Today’s price cuts and yesterday’s announcement to extend broadband coverage to 99.6% of the UK by August 2005, shows BT’s commitment to bring broadband to as wide an audience as possible. Our new pricing packages bring broadband technology within reach of even more UK consumers, helping us play our part in making broadband Britain a reality.”

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