
Publicis Sees Q1 Growth

Publicis Sees Q1 Growth

First-quarter organic growth for the Publicis Groupe grew 6.3%, its chairman and chief executive Maurice Levy told shareholders at the network’s AGM yesterday.

At the meeting, he said: “New business remains vigorous and promising. In addition, the overall global advertising environment is favourable, marked by strong growth in the US and China, as well as the benefits of the football World Cup, which should materialise very soon.”

The group is on course to meet its targets for organic growth and earnings this year, according to Levy. Shareholders approved a resolution to set the dividend at €0.36 a share.

In 2005, Publicis achieved its best new business performance to date, bringing in €7.8 billion (£5.4 billion), with organic growth reaching 6.8%. Levy added that the new business growth for 2006 looked “vigorous and promising”.

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