
Aegis Board: One Share, One Vote

Aegis Board: One Share, One Vote

Aegis’ upcoming AGM will see shareholders given one vote for each share they own, as Group Bolloré’s proposals to have Philippe Germond and Roger Hatchuel (see External Candidates For Aegis Board) elected to the board come under increased attack.

Voting on the resolutions on June 14 (see Aegis Board Urge Shareholders To Block Nominations) will be taken by poll, which means that the votes of each shareholder voting in person at the meeting are tallied and aggregated with the votes cast by proxy before the meeting and each shareholder has one vote for each share they own.

Lord Sharman, Aegis chairman, said: “We will use a poll at the AGM so that the votes of every shareholder can be fairly reflected. Using a poll is emerging best governance practice and the fairest and most democratic way of measuring the views of shareholders.

“We also remind shareholders of the Board’s view that voting against the Groupe Bolloré proposals, Resolutions 14 and 15, which present a severe conflict of interest, is important. We are asking those shareholders who have not yet voted to use what little time remains to make their vote count.”

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