
Aegis Revenues Up 22%

Aegis Revenues Up 22%

Aegis has announced that total group revenues are up 22% for the first quarter of 2006, ahead of toady’s AGM which will see Vincent Bolloré’s board nominations voted on (see External Candidates For Aegis Board).

Aegis shareholders have been urged by the board to vote against the nominations , who see Bolloré’s stake in Havas as constituting a conflict of interest (see Aegis Board Urge Shareholders To Block Nominations).

Net new business won by Aegis in the first quarter amounted to $655 million, up $230 million on the first quarter of 2005, and organic revenue growth of 6.1% was achieved in Q1 , compared to 5.8% in the first quarter of last year.

Lord Sharman, chairman of Aegis, said: “2006 has got off to a good start with the trends seen in the first quarter continuing. Based on our performance to date and what we know of the market outlook and prospects ahead, we remain confident of achieving good results for the year as a whole.”

According to reports in the press, Vincent Bolloré has threatened to call an extraordinary general meeting if his demands for further board representation are refused at today’s AGM.

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