
Strong First-Half Revenue Growth For JCDecaux

Strong First-Half Revenue Growth For JCDecaux

JCDecaux has reported a 13.4% year-on-year revenue increase to €945.8 million (£646.2 million) for the first half of 2006, with organic revenue growth, excluding acquisitions and the impact of exchange rates, was 7.6%.

The growth follows solid performances in the outdoor specialist’s transport and street furniture sectors across Europe, except in the UK (the company’s largest single country market outside France) which was the worst performing region and could manage an increase of only 0.6% to €125.2 million for the first half.

Worldwide transport revenues rose 17.8% to €237.7 million, although UK transport revenues were down in contrast to double-digit growth in France, Spain, Denmark and Germany.

Billboards also experienced growth across Europe, climbing 3.7% to €118.5 million, while street furniture revenues increased for the first half of 2006 by 6.8% to €485.7 million.

Jean-Charles Decaux, chairman and co-chief executive officer, said: “As anticipated, our second-quarter revenues showed good organic growth, reflecting a solid performance from the street furniture division, a useful improvement in billboard revenues, and a continued double-digit increase from our transport division.

“The strong revenue increase from our transport advertising, the overall improvement in the French advertising market compared with 2005, as well as the good progress of our North American and Asia-Pacific operations, should continue fuelling our organic revenue growth.”

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