
Aegis Profit Grows 9% In H1

Aegis Profit Grows 9% In H1

Aegis has reported profit growth of almost 9% for the first six months of the year, with the company saying that trading across the group is in line with expectations.

Underlying pre-tax profit was up 8.9% to £38 million, whilst reported pre-tax profit was up 15.2% to £42.5 million.

Revenues rose 19.1% to £463.2 million, made up of organic revenue growth of 7.2% and a strong contribution made by businesses acquired in 2005.

Robert Lerwill, chief executive of Aegis, said: “We’ve had a good first half. Aegis Media and Synovate have both delivered strong organic revenue growth, once again ahead of their markets. Our worldwide appointment by adidas-Reebok shows the value of our investment in digital and communications planning, putting us in a perfect place to get to important consumer groups such as the influential but hard-to-reach 17 year-old.

“We’ve also been busy extending our lead in products and services and integrating acquisitions. With our record new business performance in Aegis Media and a strong order book at Synovate, we expect to deliver further good growth this year and beyond.”

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