
TNS Records 2006 Revenue Growth

TNS Records 2006 Revenue Growth

TNS has announced that it achieved underlying revenue growth of 2.5% for the full year 2006, with the majority of its businesses performing well.

Underlying revenue growth for Europe as a whole was 3.2%, with TNS saying that this represents an acceptable performance given slower market growth in developed markets in Western Europe.

The UK saw a small decline in underlying revenue of 0.8% in 2006, owing to some delays in project completions at the end of the year.

The Americas saw underlying revenue decline by 4.7% for the year, due to the underperformance of the US customs business, whilst Asia/Pacific saw revenue growth of 15.9%.

Meanwhile, the group’s media sector overall grew by 5.9% for the year, with TNS Media Intelligence performing well across most markets.

David Lowden, TNS chief executive, said: “In 2006, TNS achieved very good growth in the emerging markets and across our syndicated services, with steady growth in our European custom business but a dissapointing performance in US custom. The group reported underlying revenue growth of 2.5% and operating margin of 9.9%.

“The changes that we have made in 2006 place us in a strong position for the future, with the organisation clearly aligned with our strategy. Also, we have taken significant strides in turning round our US custom business. The group saw an improvement in revenue growth in the fourth quarter of 2006 and, while early in the year, levels of new business activity going into 2007 are good.

Our commitment to shareholder returns is evidenced by our increased dividend, share purchase programme and determined focus on execution of the group’s strategy.”

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