
US Online Time Falls

US Online Time Falls

Internet access in the home has increased substantially since 1999 in all countries except the US, according to new research from PricewaterhouseCoopers. However, even with these increases, more American consumers (44%) continue to access the internet than their Australian (38%) or European counterparts (31% in UK, 31% in Germany and 16% in France). Internet access in Germany saw the biggest change this year, increasing 72% from 1999. Although home access in France grew 60%, it continues to lag behind both the UK and Germany. Australian access is similar to the States.

While more US consumers access the internet at home than do other consumers, they are spending less time on the Net each week compared to 1999 – about 1 hour less per week on average. Even with these changes, consumers in the US continue to spend more hours per week on the internet, on average, than consumers in Europe (4.2 against. 3.2) and Australia (3.6). The greatest time spent online in Europe is in France where the average per week increased by 85% to 3.7 hours.

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