
Ecommerce Revenue To Reach $1.26 Trillion By 2003

Ecommerce Revenue To Reach $1.26 Trillion By 2003

Worldwide ecommerce revenues are expected to growth from $185 billion in 2000 to $336 billion next year, $684.3 billion in 2002 and $1.26 trillion in 2003, according to new forecasts from eMarketer. The report also predicts that online business marketplaces will become more popular and grow in complexity, with small business being the primary users. Currently only 8% of small businesses are using ecommerce facilities – this is expected to rise to 72% by 2003.

The US will continue to be the largest B2B market in 2003, commanding 59% of total global online business transactions, with revenues of $747 billion. European B2B revenues will be $366 billion at this time.

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