
Advertising Association UK Quarterly Forecasts

Advertising Association UK Quarterly Forecasts

The Advertising Association have upgraded their predictions for Commercial Radio in the October 2000 edition of their Quarterly Forecasts.

Growth in 2000 is now predicted at 16.8%, well ahead of 10.7% actual growth in 1999. This equates to an estimated 5.9% share of total Display advertising for Commercial Radio, compared to the 5.5% share achieved in 1999.

A slowdown in the market is forecast for 2001, although at 10.7% Commercial Radio is predicted to grow at a much faster rate than total Display (4.5%), hence share is estimated to rise to 6.3%.

Growth across all media is expected to continue across 2000 as the dot com boom is ridden out, with Outdoor notably benefiting. As growth slows down in 2001, most media are predicted to see year-on-year increases in revenue drop back to around 4%.

Commercial Radio is the only exception to this – the Advertising Association predicts growth of over 10% in each individual quarter across the next two years.

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