
Self Promotion Clutters Sites According To Jupiter

Self Promotion Clutters Sites According To Jupiter

According to a report by AdRelevance, a Jupiter Media Metrix Company, 28% of advertising space on leading websites was taken up with house ads in Q4 2000, up from 15% earlier in the year.

Entertainment and society websites ran the highest percentage of self-promotional advertisements (30%) among ad supported websites, followed by news and information sites (22%), and portals and search engines (19%).

Analysts at Jupiter warned companies not to clutter their sites with too many house ads as this may dilute other advertisers messages and will impact on revenue as performance-related pricing increases in popularity.

The situation is worsened by Jupiters prediction that consumers will face an average of 610 marketing messages per usage day by the end of this year, and this will increase to 950 per day by 2005.

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