
B2B Internet Commerce Market Forecasts From Gartner

B2B Internet Commerce Market Forecasts From Gartner

Despite an economic downturn in the US, new research from Gartner said this week that global B2B ecommerce is set to reach $8.5 trillion by 2005.

Gartner believe that the downturn in the economy may lead to further growth in certain areas of B2B commerce as companies seek to cut costs and take advantage of the low cost emarketplace although cautious spending may also lead to a reduction in IT spending.
  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Millions of Dollars  150,050 433,300 919,000 1,929,000 3,632,000 5,950,000 8,530,000
% Growth Year to Year  201% 189% 112% 110% 88% 64% 43%

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