
Online Trading ‘Not Dead’ Says New Jupiter Report

Online Trading ‘Not Dead’ Says New Jupiter Report

A new report from Jupiter claims that reports of ‘the death of online retail’ have been greatly exaggerated and forecast that US online trading is set to reach $130 billion by 2006.

Originally Jupiter had predicted that online sales would hit $36 billion in 2001 and, subsequently, $118 billion by 2005. Although the actual figure for 2001 is nearer to $34 billion, Jupiter optimistically predict that their 2006 figure of $130 billion is attainable.

Predicted % of online population making retail purchases online

2000 40%
2002 52%
2006 63%

Jupiter also looked at the behaviour of those currently using B2C retailing sites and found that most were not hesitant to register personal details in order to receive email regarding new products and offers.

Reasons why users register at B2C commerce sites

To receive email regarding new products/special offers 70%
Prior to making a purchase 68%
To store personal information on the site 50%
To receive actual mail 41%

Source: Jupiter Media Metrix

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