
E-Commerce Will Boost European Economic Growth, Says Andersen

E-Commerce Will Boost European Economic Growth, Says Andersen

A quarter of Europe’s economic growth will come from e-commerce by 2004, according to a new report by Andersen. It estimates that between 2000 and 2004, 24% of European economic growth will come from e-business – providing investments are made in broadband connections.

The report claims that without e-business revenues, annual European economic will be in the region of +2.55% between 2000 and 2004, if e-business revenues are added into the equation this figure rises to +3.36%.

Technology will be the greatest contributing sector with growth forecast at 2.5% of growth and if Andersend’s forecasts are correct, by 2004 contributions from the network economy and e-business will reach 0.8% of European GDP growth.

“Digital technologies are revolutionising the way business is conducted and the way value is created,” said John A. Kerr, partner, Andersen’s business consulting practice, Europe. “A network economy is forming around the integration of e-business tools in all activities and it is this fundamental transformation of the European economy that we are measuring.”

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