
‘Generation Y’ Key To M-Commerce Success, Says Cahners In-Stat

‘Generation Y’ Key To M-Commerce Success, Says Cahners In-Stat

The global m-commerce market will grow considerably over the next four years according to new research by Cahners In-Stat Group. M-commerce in 2000 represented $264 million, generated by 9.2 million wireless subscribers.

This figure is due to grow slowly between now and 2005 with the exception of the Japanese market which is set to rocket. $2.3 billion in transactions is expected to be generated in Japan by 2005.

“The main reason for the slow uptake of m-commerce is that services launched before they were ready,” Says Becky Diercks, director of In-Stat’s wireless service. “Carrier networks were inadequate to handle the e-commerce-like shopping experience that was promised to subscribers.”

“As an m-commerce strategy, it will also be important for carriers to target services to members of the so-called Generation Y. They tend to be quicker adopters and faster learners of new technology than other non-business niches,” Says Diercks. “In the end, carrier success will be determined by the capabilities of networks and handsets, the quantity and quality of content and applications, and the ancillary services required to enable users to make purchases.

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