
Number Of US Online Buyers Peaks In September

Number Of US Online Buyers Peaks In September

US e-commerce spend jumped by 54% in September to $4.7 billion, according to a report released yesterday by Nielsen//NetRatings and Harris Interactive.

Just under 39 million people in the US bought something online last month, a new record according to the research companies’ Interactive eCommercePulse measurement system. However, spend was actually down 14.7% month on month, even though the number of buyers grew from 37.1 million to 38.6 million. This is not surprising, given that the after-effects of the 11 September attacks have noticeably hit US retail spending (see Forecasts).
eCommercePulse Total Monthly Online Spending And Number Of Buyers 
Month  Spend ($m)  Total number of buyers (m) 
Sep-00 3,086 30.9
Oct-00 3,703 30.9
Nov-00 4,788 31.9
Dec-00 7,223 36.1
Jan-01 3,780 37.8
Feb-01 3,390 33.9
Mar-01 3,517 35.3
Apr-01 4,489 35.9
May-01 5,383 35.9
Jun-01 5,299 35.3
Jul-01 4,932 35.2
Aug-01 5,562 37.1
Sep-01 4,743 38.6
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings / Harris Interactive, 09/01 

“An unprecedented number of people embraced e-commerce last month, exceeding even the huge number of buyers during the December holiday,” said Sean Kaldor, vice president of analytical services, NetRatings. “Despite recent national events, the number of online buyers actually grew four percent from August.”

The travel category maintained its position at the top of the e-commerce chart, but recent events naturally affected the public’s appetite for travel and also introduced a number of travel restrictions. These conditions caused revenues to drop 23% between August and September, even though the sector rose by 44% year on year.

“Travel accounts for nearly a quarter of all online spending so a downturn in this critical category dampens the entire e-commerce sector,” says Kaldor.

Top eCommercePulse Category, Ranked By Online Spend, September 2001 
   Sep 2000 Spend ($m)  Sept 2001 Spend ($m)  % Change 
Travel services 795 1,148 44.4
Clothing/Apparel 276 494 79.0
Auctions 173 407 135.3
Computer hardware 226 380 68.1
Books 121 300 147.9
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings / Harris Interactive, 09/01 

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