
U-Commerce, The Next Big Thing?

U-Commerce, The Next Big Thing?

According to Accenture, e-commerce is thriving in Europe despite the lingering threat of recession. “The Unexpected eEurope” published this week, found that 60% of senior European executives surveyed said that they planned to increase eCommerce spending by an average of 15% over the next year. A further 49% said that they expected to be exploiting wireless commerce opportunities within three years.

“It may come as a surprise to many observers that eCommerce is alive and well and thriving in Europe,” commented Rosemary OÂÂ’Mahony, a managing partner at Accenture. “In the face of deepening economic gloom, most European businesses are using eCommerce to consolidate their competitive position and prepare for the future. Those who hesitate will be left behind when the economy picks up.”

The reasons for investment in eCommerce opportunities is changing too. Last year, 74% of the executives surveyed said that their primary reason for investing was to keep pace with their competitors. This figure has fallen to 54% in this year’s survey as companies discover other benefits to such activity, deepening customer relationships and better tailored services amongst them.

The trend towards diversifying into new forms of eCommerce amongst the executives surveyed has led Accenture to coin the term uCommerce (for Ubiquitous Commerce) as companies aim to exploit emerging opportunities in the commercial market. Significant growth is expected in ‘silent’ commerce, using chips to tag then track and monitor goods or objects as they move through the supply chain or organisation.

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