
European DSL Market To Overtake US By 2006

European DSL Market To Overtake US By 2006

Digital subscriber line (DSL) penetration in Europe will overtake the US within five years, according to DSL Future Prospects in Europe, a new report from telecoms consultancy and publishing group BWCS. The provision of DSL services is at last beginning to emerge as a viable business, claims the report, released this month.

“If the European telcos follow the right business models then this technology will provide revenues, increase customer loyalty and enable new services, such as voice over DSL, over the next few years. While take-up will vary from one country to another, with Germany leading the field, we believe that Europe will catch up with the US, which has a substantial head start in this area, within five years,” says Ross Parsons, a consultant at BWCS.

The report’s findings echo research conducted by Point Topic recently, which found that DSL growth in the US is beginning to slow, whilst in Europe, Asia-Pacific and South America growth remains strong (see Forecasts).

BWCS claims that the take up of DSL services has been stalled in Europe by the unwillingness of telcos to open up their local networks and the recent lack of investment capital. It says that pressure form national regulatory authorities is finally clearing the way for a DSL roll out.

“Cable companies, though massively in debt, have proved that supplying bundled packages of telephone and entertainment services will drive up average revenue per user (ARPU),” argues Parsons. “BWCS believes that these provide some good business models for telecoms operators to follow. While the majority of telcos will not create content themselves they will be able to facilitate the delivery of bundled packages to customers.”

DSL growth by region (000s) 
  Q3 2000  Q4 2000  Q1 2001  Q2 2001 
North America 695 818 559 652
Europe   357 520 374
Asia Pacific   833 866 1,330
Other (S America, Middle East)   57 36 88
Total   2,065 1,981 2,444
Source: Point Topic, 08/01 
DSL lines for selected operators, 000s 
  30 June 2001  31 March 2001  30 June 2000 
Worldwide totals  10244  7813    
Bell Canada 529 466 120
Bell South 381 303 74
Covad 333 319 138
Qwest 360 306 175
SBC 1041 954 399
Verizon 840 720 221
Other North America 579 344 213
Total North America  4064  3412  1340 
Belgacom 94 72  
BT 70 45  
Deutsche Telekom 600 (1000 sold) 370 (850 sold)  
France Telecom 177 96  
Telefonica 112 88.4  
Telia (Sweden) 68 50   
Other Europe 319 345  
Total Europe  1440  1066    
Hanaro (Korea) 745 700   
Hong Kong Telecom 270  240   
Korea Telecom 2418 1967 545
NTT East 104 30  
NTT West 186 70  
Chunghwa (Taiwan) 320 140  
Other Asia Pacific 523 188  
Total Asia Pacific  4566  3335    
Source: Point Topic, 08/01, estimates in italics 

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