
Online Retail To 2005 Set To Boom In Italy

Online Retail To 2005 Set To Boom In Italy

In 2000, online retail failed to make any kind of impression in Italy, Austria or Spain, with online sales reaching just to $560 million in Italy and $240 million and $120 million in Austria and Spain respectively, according to Datamonitor.

By 2005, the Italian market will have outstripped the Austrian and Spain markets, says the market snapshot posted by Datamonitor at the beginning of the month. The Italian online retail sales will come to $13.1 billion in 2005 – almost twice the value of the Austrian and Spanish markets combined.
Online retail sales in Italy, Austria and Spain ($ billion) 
  2000  2005  Actual Change  % Growth 
Italy 0.6 13.1 12.5 2230.4
Austria 0.2 3.4 3.2 1312.5
Spain 0.1 2.7 2.6 2150.0
Source: Datamonitor, 09/11/01 

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