
Instant Messaging Will Generate $4.2 Billion In 2006, says IDC

Instant Messaging Will Generate $4.2 Billion In 2006, says IDC

Instant messaging (IM) and unified messaging (UM) applications for service providers will drive the worldwide messaging applications market from $1.1 billion in 2001 to $4.2 billion in 2006, according to new research by IDC.

“While 2001 was a downbeat year for some markets, it was packed with innovation for messaging application vendors,” said Robert Mahowald, senior research analyst at IDC. “Mobile access choices, contextual collaboration deployments, and the rise of the voice user interface in unified messaging were a few of the ways messaging vendors managed to weather the storm.”

“Offering innovative add-ons such as mobility and management additions and integration with non-collaborative applications, will also be key success factors” said IDC.

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