
UK Now Has Half A Million Broadband Subscribers, Says Oftel

UK Now Has Half A Million Broadband Subscribers, Says Oftel

The UK now has over half a million high-speed broadband connections, Oftel announced today. Broadband services are now delivered to homes and businesses using cable modems, DSL technology, broadband fixed wireless and broadband satellite services.

David Edmonds, director general of telecommunications said: “Over 500,000 customers now have high-speed internet access using a broadband connection, according to current published figures from the network operators. The 500,000 doesn’t take into account the cable operators’ connections for March and April, so the actual figure is significantly more.

“With over 20,000 broadband connections a week, the current level of growth outstrips the equivalent demand for mobile phones and dial-up internet when they were first introduced. And the UK has more competition at both network and service levels than many European countries. Where many consumers in Europe rely on the incumbent for broadband services, UK consumers are choosing from a number of different networks and service providers.

“Over 10 million homes use the traditional dial-up internet access, including four million with unmetered packages. I am confident that more internet users will take up high speed broadband as the range of services increases and prices fall.”

Edmonds said that Oftel had taken action to create competition at all levels of the broadband market: “Competition has resulted in growing take up rates and falling prices. Oftel has promoted competition between different networks and different service providers to ensure consumers get a wide range of choice and prices.

“New technology such as satellite, fixed wireless and 3G mobile phones means there are an increasing number of networks competing to deliver broadband services to consumers.”

E-Commerce Minister Douglas Alexander added: “The UK now has some of the cheapest internet prices in the world – for both narrowband and broadband. As a result, the number of people signing up to broadband is accelerating.

“The milestone of half a million connections represents a 54% increase since the beginning of 2002. Of course there is more to do, but the work of building Broadband Britain is underway.

“BT’s commitment to broadband and their recent price reductions, together with the successful cable broadband programmes of NTL and Telewest pave the way for further advances on broadband during 2002.”

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